Monday, 30 April 2018


The most important wall in our classroom!

A space promoting a growth mindset, encouragement & of course to show off our wonderful published work!

Each child has their own clipboard, ready to put up their latest piece of writing!
Term 1's published works have been made into a book for the Library, ready to read.
Now our wall is ready to go for the amazing work we will do in Term 2, 3 & 4!


  1. What a great book you now have in your library. I can't wait to see the new writing for Term 2, I hear a lot of exciting language being used. Keep it up Room 1!!

  2. I love this wall in room 1. I think that is is a great idea. Whenever you fell let down or like you can't do something you can always loo at this wall. It is very colorful and filled with awesome posters about having a growth mindset and that you are valuable and you shouldn't let anyone make you believe differently. This wall is awesome, Thanks Mrs Cometti!
    Hollie :)

  3. Lucy Stranghan5 June 2018 at 12:05

    WOW! Those clipboards look amazing. How did you make them so shiny and colourful?

    1. Oh Lucy I wish I could share the trick! They were brought this way from the wonderful K-mart.
      - Love from Mrs Cometti.

  4. I really like how this is a growing display and then work that has been published is put into your class library for continued enjoyment!


Sunnyhills Colour Run

The teachers had a fantastic time getting bombed by all of the students present at the colour run! We did a run with obstacles, had food ...