Thursday, 10 May 2018


Miss Stuhlmann and Mrs Cometti Graduated on Wednesday wooooohoooooo!

Looking forward to the rest of 2018 as a fully graduated teacher :)

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Our ocean Artwork

Check out the Amazing art work room 1 created in response to all we learnt about the ocean during sea week. 

The school were so impressed with how well you did.

We learnt all sorts of things such as watercolor and dye techniques, creating silhouettes and symmetry using traditional Maori patterns.

Thank you to our script writers and presenters Xavier and Hollie for explaining how we created our  beautiful works of art.

Our Stars of the week!

 Certificates from the Kauri Assembly 

Well Done Kees!

It is awesome having a student in room 1 who is always willing to help out.

You always put your hand up and we love it.

Keep it up!

Well done Samantha!

You are a fantastic roll model of mindfulness to others in room 1.

You go out of your way to help others achieve their goals, whether it be buddy reading, proof reading or feed forward. 

Amazing work!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Good Luck to our Choir Students

Have a fantastic Practice today Choir Students!

New Labels

Hello Students and Parents!

To see what BLOG posts you have been tagged in all you need to do is click on your name tag located to the right of the screen.
When it is an image or post that involves the whole class you simply click on the 'Whole_class' tag.

Happy Browsing 

Sunnyhills Colour Run

The teachers had a fantastic time getting bombed by all of the students present at the colour run! We did a run with obstacles, had food ...