Sunday, 6 May 2018

Our ocean Artwork

Check out the Amazing art work room 1 created in response to all we learnt about the ocean during sea week. 

The school were so impressed with how well you did.

We learnt all sorts of things such as watercolor and dye techniques, creating silhouettes and symmetry using traditional Maori patterns.

Thank you to our script writers and presenters Xavier and Hollie for explaining how we created our  beautiful works of art.


  1. Fantastic artwork. They all look amazing and very professional. Well done everyone.

  2. Wow. Well done room 1. This sea week art was very fun to make and now it has turned out to look amazing. Awesome Job!
    Hollie :)

  3. well done kees you rock
    nice artwork to

  4. They look really cool!!
    How long did they take to make them??
    What sea Creature was the hardest to make?
    The backrounds are so pretty,the blue is Nice!!

  5. They look really cool!!
    How long did they take to make them??
    What sea Creature was the hardest to make?
    The backrounds are so pretty,the blue is Nice!!

  6. Great job Room 1, Keep up the good work!

  7. What a masterpiece
    what did you learn about sea week?
    How long did it take to make you artwork?
    how did you make it?
    I really like your blue backround

  8. Wow that whale art looks amazing.
    what did you use to make them.
    where did you get the idea from.

  9. Lucy Strangahan5 June 2018 at 12:15

    WOW! Those sea creatures look amazing. I love the traditional Maori Patterns. Well done Room 1!

  10. These artworks are stunning. I love the colour tones in the sea!


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